
To achieve our goals we regularly partner with leading organizations to finance and implement projects. Our partners include:

The Nature Conservancy

The Nature Conservancy is taking on the planet’s biggest, most important challenges by focusing on priorities that science shows are the most urgent and where our innovation and expertise can be game changers.

Tanzania National Parks

The mission of Tanzania National Parks is to sustainably conserve and manage park resources and their aesthetic value, for the benefit of present and future generations of mankind, as well as efficiently provide high class tourism products and services.

Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute

The mission of TAWIRI is to facilitate an effective provision of wildlife research findings and acquisition of sufficient wildlife information in collaboration with all stakeholders.

Wildlife Conservation Society

WCS harnesses the power of its global field conservation programs and its four zoos and aquarium in New York to save wildlife and wild places across the world from all angles.

Fauna and Flora International

Fauna and Flora International's mission is to conserve threatened species and ecosystems worldwide, choosing solutions that are sustainable, based on sound science, and which take into account human needs.

Local wildlife conservancies or management areas

Tanzania has established 38 Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs), with the aim of enhancing conservation and poverty alleviation through sustainable utilization of natural resources.

Western Sustainability Exchange

The Western Sustainability Exchange (WSE) pursues environmental stewardship, economic prosperity, and community well-being as interlinked goals.

Northern Rangelands Trust of Kenya

The Northern Rangelands Trust is a community conservancy membership organization. Their mission is to develop resilient community conservancies, which transform people’s lives, secure peace and conserve natural resources.

Native Energy

The mission of Native Energy is to deliver investment solutions that create sustainable value for their clients and communities.